For Our Economy
Too many people are driving too far to earn a decent paycheck – or moving away altogether. Jay Edwards believes rebuilding our economy begins right here at home by protecting local jobs, investing in our region and our people, and working tirelessly to bring new jobs to Southeast Ohio. Jay supports more funding for job training, including vocational schools and the skilled trades. And he will oppose job-killing government regulations and red tape.
For Our Schools
Jay Edwards believes students must be given the opportunity to pursue their passions and God-given talents. He will fight for fair funding and local control for our schools so teachers can spend more time teaching and students can spend more time learning. Jay is a strong supporter of vocational education and believes we must make Ohio’s colleges and universities more affordable.
For Our Safety
Illegal drugs are having a devastating impact throughout our region. Jay Edwards will work with law enforcement and community leaders to make sure Southeast Ohio has the resources it needs to keep drugs off the street and expand drug counseling and rehabilitation.
For Our Freedoms
As a member of the National Rifle Association, Jay Edwards is a strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment rights and will stand up to the special interests to protect our freedoms. Jay was taught responsibility and life lessons through hunting with his father.
For Our Values
Our values are being challenged like never before. Jay Edwards is a leader with compassion who shares our values. We can trust Jay to defend the sanctity of life, God’s most precious gift.